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Benefits of all Fruits

Eating fruits give a person so much vitamins, minerals, as well as the amazing antioxidant phytochemicals which help fight diseases such as cancer, heart disease, high blood, among many other things. All this can be had just by eating fruits. Also, fruits have a lot of fiber, both insoluble and the soluble kind. Fiber is the best defense against bad bowel movement such constipation that is also related to colon cancer. The soluble fiber is also great to lower bad cholesterol in one's blood.
Here's a question for you: have you ever been to the grocery and suddenly found yourself allured by the aroma of one particular fruit? This is a phenomenon where your body is making you aware that you need a certain fruit right now in order to complete your diet.

Bananas are some of the most widely eaten fruits in the world, as well as some of the most readily recognized due to their distinctive shape and bright colors which, added to the health benefits of bananas, makes them a household stable. They are nutritious and readily eaten raw, and are mostly composed of sugars, such as sucrose, fructose, and glucose, in addition to fiber. As a result, they are among the best choices for a source of energy that gives both immediate boost and more prolonged boosts. There are a number of additional benefits to bananas that have been discovered in recent years that may result in a higher quality of life for people of all ages and backgrounds. The mindful consumption of bananas help people live healthier and more active lives through taking advantage of the energy and health benefits bananas can provide. Eating bananas is a great way to promote healthy bones in both children and adults. There are many reports of the dangers of osteoporosis in older adults, particularly women who are past menopause, and there are a variety of prescription medications marketed to such people, but they are not effective in all cases. Similarly, for those in their formative years, there are numerous reports every year detailing the importance of building strong bones in children, whose skeletons are still in the developmental stage. Bananas are among the rare fruits that can lead to increased bone strength in people both young and old. This is because they contain fructo oligo saccharide, which is a compound that feeds certain bacteria in the colon known as probiotics, or bacteria that contribute to our health. These healthy bacteria live in the gut and make enzymes that help us to digest food more rapidly and efficiently. If you have ever watched a high profile tennis match on television, you may have noticed players (during long matches) eating bananas in between games. This is because bananas are packed with complex carbohydrates and are an excellent source of instant energy, as well as being very easy to digest.

We have all heard that one a day keeps the doctor away, but what exactly are the health benefits of apples? Is it simply a matter of apple nutrition content? We understand about the vitamins and some of the value to human nutrition of an apple, but we are only beginning to learn about other compounds found in apples and other fruits and vegetables. When scientists first became aware that there were components in foods that could be isolated and that these compounds existed in various food sources, the study of vitamins began. Now, although we know about the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for human health, we are still learning about individual compounds that different foods contain. Particularly, in the area of fruits and vegetables, there is still much to be learned. If you look at the apple nutrition content, you will see that one medium sized apple contains the vitamins B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, B9 (folate) and C, as well as the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Most daily multi-vitamins contain adequate amounts of these vitamins and minerals, so why is it necessary to actually eat an apple? It appears that the combination of vitamins, minerals and other plant components act together, providing more benefits than the individual components alone. In other words, the total value to human nutrition of an apple is probably greater than the value of the individual vitamins and minerals it contains.

Grapes are an extraordinarily healthy food; weather a person eats purple, red, or green versions of this renowned fruit. The health benefits of grapes can be found in both grape juice and fresh grapes, and for those people who have been considering claims about the benefits of drinking red wine as a reason to up wine intake, a number of studies have recommended that grape juice confers similar benefits that wine does. Whether in the form of juice or fruit, grapes can be a perfect addition to your diet, though they shouldn't be considered as a cure-all fruit.
Many of the health benefits of grapes focus around the high mineral and vitamin content of grapes. This fruit is certainly high in vitamins A, B6, and C, along with iron, copper, zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium and folate, all of which are essential for human health, particularly to those people who are very active. The high mineral and vitamin content makes grapes a perfect addition to a healthy diet, particularly if people obey the rule of consuming five servings of different colored vegetables or fruits per day, guaranteeing a diverse consumption of minerals and vitamins. are small round fruits that grows in clusters and come in many colors such as blue, purple, black, green and the most common red type grapes. It is available worldwide but mainly grows in Central Asia. Some fruits comes seedless so it is really fun to eat. Lets examine more the many health benefits of grapes, read on. If you are looking for flavonoid rich fruits, then grapes is the best fruit around. Flavonoids are antioxidants that fights diseases. Did you know that flavonoids plays a vital role with the fruit's purplish color? Yes, flavonoids are responsible for the vibrant physical appearance of grapes especially in red wine. The more stronger the color, the higher flavonoid content you will have. Grapes are also rich in anthocyanins, another antioxidant polyphenolic that are responsible for many healthy properties of grapes. With many studies about antioxidants content for fruits, grapes are not far away from strawberries, blueberries and blackberries which are all good sources of antioxidants.

Pineapple, one of the most popular tropical fruits, has recently gained much fame for its health promoting properties. Fresh pineapple is loaded with many essential vitamins and minerals. Pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C, and the trace element manganese. It is also a good source of vitamin B1, vitamin B6, copper, magnesium and dietary fiber. Recent studies have evaluated the health boosting properties of pineapple. Pineapple is revered for its anti-inflammatory properties, digestive health benefits and potential anti-cancer properties.
What gives fresh pineapple its health boosting properties is the presence of bromelain. Bromelain is a mixture of various protein-digesting enzymes. Due to its ability to digest protein, bromelain has been used both medically and traditionally to relieve a multitude of health concerns.Nutritionists make us to understand that the most essential ingredient in the pineapple is bromelain. Bromelain reduces pain, reduces inflammation, this anti-inflammation capability makes the fruit better than drugs. Pineapple juice contains collagen, it boosts the immune system. Damaged or chapped skin can be reconditioned with the drinking of pine apple juice. Pineapple contains detoxifying elements and chemicals that stimulate kidney functions. Any dweller in the tropics should take delight in taking pineapple juice to treat bruises, cuts, muscle pain, arthritis, joint pain, and sprains, it is the best fruit in the tropics taking into consideration its taste and therapeutic properties. Recovery after surgery is often drastically reduced by taking pineapple. When other treatments fail, the pineapple juice always proves very effective in the treatment of muscle pain, back pain, and joint pains, it is very effective to supplement treatment of knee injury. For best results, it is advisable to settle for home grown pineapple, or get some from the nearest garden because unlike other fruits pineapple loses its flavor and potency if canned for commercial purposes. Fever, body wrinkles and indigestion can be easily cure with pineapple.

You may think that watermelons are just for quenching your thirst on a hot summer's day and should be served chilled. However, although a watermelon is mainly made up of water it has some surprising (perhaps) health benefits too. The thing about a watermelon is that it is large and you have to buy a whole one. You should look for ones that have a slightly paler side than the rest of the rind, as this indicates that the melon has been left to become fully ripe. The side will be paler because this is the part of the fruit that has been resting on the ground. The rind shouldn't be too shiny or dull either. To make the juice, you need to take out the seeds carefully and dry them as they are a useful source of protein and dietary fibre. They also contain the minerals phosphorous, zinc, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and copper as well as sodium and some of the B-complex vitamins. Don't throw them away. The benefits of watermelon and other fruits is well documented. They are great sources in preventing a lot of health related issues. Why are fruits so helpful in preventing illness? Fruits contain nutrients that are easily absorbed into the body. These nutrients used in a number of ways including healing the body, providing energy and detoxification.
Of all the fruits in the world, melons are by far the best for regulating blood pressure. High blood pressure is caused by a number of factors. One of those factors is stress. Living in the city is just one way to under go tremendous stress. Stress may come and go many times throughout the day. From a hectic workday to not getting enough rest, a body must keep up with a very fast paced lifestyle. Over time that high stress lifestyle can cause a lot of damage to the internal organs. They basically wear out. They can't keep up. Once the organs are in stress, it can lead to life threatening situations. Watermelon is one of those fruits that can help regulate some of the effects. Watermelon has shown to be an effect agent in balancing blood pressure. Researchers at Florida State University fed the extract of Watermelon to a group of nine individuals of both men and women. After just six weeks the effects were dramatic. All participants saw an improvement in both their arterial function and aortic blood pressure. The results were quite amazing.

OrangeDiscover the incredible weight loss benefits of oranges, how to best prepare them and how much you should eat to get maximum benefit from oranges - one of nature's amazing fat burning foods. In fact, the orange and the tangerine are a kind of berry. Oranges grow on trees. They are sectioned fruits. The sections are called carpels. Each carpel contains pulp, juice and seeds. The peel has a leather-like feel and contains oil glands. The orange tree is an evergreen that sports fragrant white flowers and glossy oval leaves. These days, oranges are the world's largest citrus crop, and most of them come from Brazil. In the United States, the most oranges are produced in Florida and California. In fact, about twenty five billion pounds of these fruits come from these 2 states annually. Oranges are raised in Texas and Arizona, too.Here are some of the varieties of oranges: Hamlin, Temple, Abersweet, Moro, Pineapple, Valencia, Red Navel, Navel. Navel oranges are eating oranges, and they are very popular. Valencia oranges are generally used to make orange juice. Tangerines are quite small in comparison to oranges and the peel isn't as firmly attached. In addition, they are distinguished by the nub on the bottom. Tangerines come in a trio of basic types: tangerine, tangelo and mandarin. Actually, the term tangerine is typically used to refer to a type of mandarin orange.

 We all love Mangoes and now we should once get into the healthy secrets of eating Mangoes.
The various benefits of eating mangoes have been discussed below.
  •  Anti-Cancer: The phenols in mangoes such as Isoquercitrin, Quercetin, Fisetin, Astragalin, Gallic acid and Methylgallat, as well as the abundant enzymes have the capacities of preventing cancer.
  • Eye Health: One cup of sliced mangoes provides around 25% of Vitamin A, required to         promote good eye sight.
  •  Helps in Digestion: Mangoes have the necessary digestive enzymes that help treat down proteins and support in good digestion.
  •  Health Skin: Mangoes have the power to relieve clogged pores of the skin.
  •  Helps in Diabetes: Mangoes also play a healthy role in normalizing the insulin levels in the blood.
  •  For Better Sex: The Vitamin E present abundantly in mangoes regulates the sex hormones and increases the sex drive.
  •  Beneficial for anemia: Mangoes are very beneficial for the pregnant women and individuals suffering from anemia due to iron deficiency.
  •  Boost Memory: Mangoes contain Glutamine which helps to boost memory and make cells active which in turn improves the concentration level.
  •  Weight Gain: Mangoes also are beneficial for people wanting to gain weight. Unripe              mangoes contain starch which gets converted into sugar as the fruit ripens. Hence, ripe mangoes (rich in sugar) when consumed with milk help in weight gain.
Now who would not love to eat mangoes, especially after coming across such wonderful benefits of it. Mangoes are really a good source of energy and fitness during summer times.

 When trying to find healthy things to drink and eat you will know that fruit is very good for you can eat it fresh or included in recipes. You can drink it and often this is the best way to ensure that you are getting all of the nutrients intended for you. Pomegranate is an excellent fruit and you will see some amazing health benefits of pomegranate when you include it in your daily diet. You can eat it fresh or mix it with other fruit to make a fantastic juice drink. Pomegranate was often seen as a miracle fruit and because of its exotic taste and look people once believed it to be a magical fruit. There are many proven studies to show that pomegranates can provide you with great health benefits. Doctors and health professionals recommend eating them daily can help you to feel and look better. The health benefits of pomegranates are so well known due to the high level of folic acid in them. The fruit also contains very high levels of anti oxidants which can help your body to detox and feel so much healthier. Pomegranates are thought to have more anti oxidants than green tea and other super fruits. This amazing fruit can help you with serious medical conditions and is great for people with heart conditions, hyper tension and some forms of cancer. The health benefits of pomegranates also can help you to lose weight and burn un wanted fat. The pomegranates are also amazing at thinning your blood and can help your blood to flow freely to your heart. This helps your arteries to not clog up and can help with high levels of cholesterol and help your heart to function better. Although they cannot cure you if you have a serious health condition they can help you to feel better and will help your body to fight the disease or condition. Eating any type of fruit and vegetable can make your life better but when you eat super fruits that are high in anti oxidants you are helping to keep your body healthier.

 Since the early fifties keen interest has been elicited about Guava especially the leaves. Efforts were made to identify the ingredients which are effective in various medicinal properties exhibited by Guava leaves. Guava leaves are used in various native medicines used. guava leaves contain ingredients which have a role to play in various ailments such as cancer, Infections, inflammation, and pain. Essential oil of guava leaves have been particularly effective in improving the prognosis of cancer and other immunological diseases. Guavas are rich in saponins, carotenoids, lectins, flavonoids, essential oils, vitamins, tannins, phenols, triterpenes, fiber and fatty acids. It is also a rich source of Vitamin C many times greater than oranges. It also has moderate quantity of Vitamin A. The leaves are particularly rich in flavonoids like Quercetin. Much of the medicinal properties of guava are attributed to these flavonoids. Flavonoids are also responsible for the anti-bacterial activity of Guava leaves. Quercetin is also responsible for the anti diarrheal action of Guava leaves since it relaxes the smooth muscles of the GI tract and also inhibits the bowel contractions. Guavas are often called as superfruits, being rich in dietary fiber, folic acid and vitamins A and C. A single guava fruit contains as much as 4 times the amount of Vitamin C as an orange. It has a low calorie profile with rich dietary minerals, potassium, magnesium and copper. However, the nutrients vary across different cultivated Guava, it is found in more common varieties that containing 90mg of vitamin C per serving. It has a relatively high antioxidant value among the plant foods

Custard Apple
Custard Apple or Seethaphal is a tropical fruit tree that grows easily. The flesh is white and creamy with a sugary taste. The seeds are black in colour with a shine. The seeds are not consumed for they are slightly poisonous. Custard apple promotes digestion and is used as a cure for vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery and vertigo. The unripe fruit is dried and powdered and is used as a cure for treating lice. The fruit is high in calorie content but contains minerals like iron, phosphorous, calcium and riboflavin.
Custard apple Nutrition
Custard apples are packed with vitamin C, an antioxidant that can combat the free radicals in the body. The fruit also has vitamin A, which is good for healthy skin, better vision and for healthy hair.
The magnesium in custard apples can protect the heart from cardiac diseases and can relax the muscles.

Custard apples are an excellent source of copper. Copper is a trace mineral that helps are body form hemoglobin. When a woman doesn’t have enough copper in her system, there is an increased risk that her child will be born early.
Other side effects of a copper deficiency include brittle bones and a low white blood cell count. The average person needs about nine hundred micrograms of copper each day. Pregnant women need one thousand micrograms of copper each day, and if she decides to breastfeed she will need approximately thirteen hundred micrograms of copper.
Custard apples are also rich in vitamin B6 and potassium. Custard apples are also rich in copper and have plenty of dietary fiber, which is good for keeping the digestive tract healthy and aids digestion as well prevents constipation. Custard apples have low levels of fat, which is good for health.
 Custard apple calories
100 gm of custard apple contains:
Calories: 100
Water: 75.0 g
Fat: 0.6 g
Sugar: 15 gm
Dietary fiber: 3.5 g
Carbohydrate: 23.71 gm
Protein: 1 to 4.3 gm
Iron: 0.7 mg
Calcium: 20 mg

Strawberries are known as a rich source of phenols. Anthocyanins in strawberries not only provides a beautiful color for these fruits, but also serve as antioxidants that protect cell structures in the body. Phenols in this fruit protects the heart, fight against cancer and inflammation. Anti-inflammatory properties of strawberry include the ability offered to reduce the phenol cyclooxygenase enzymes. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen help in the disappearance of pain by blocking enzymes who contribute to the development of inflammation, such as those occurring in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis and cancer. Unlike the drugs that block COX enzymes, strawberries do not cause intestinal bleeding. Strawberries also help fight heart diseases. This can be attributed to the potassium, folate and fiber present in the strawberry. Studies show that potassium helps reduce the blood pressure. This ultimately reduces the risk of contracting any heart disease. Fiber helps lower the risk of heart disease by reducing hypertension. Folate does its part in reducing heart disease by regulating the amount of homocysteine. The fiber found in the berries is also helpful in making easy bowel function. The fiber helps reduce constipation in the body. Consumption of strawberries aids in the prevention of arteriosclerosis. The antioxidants present in the blood help in this. They do this by preventing the oxidation of the bad cholesterol. The oxidation of this bad cholesterol is what leads to building of fat in the arteries. The flavonoids in the berries also reduce the chances of getting strokes. The fruit has a lot of anti-inflammatory properties that help in preventing clotting, in turn, preventing the chances of stroke. The anti-oxidants also help protect the body from cancer. They do this by causing damage to the carcinogens. The carcinogens are the main cancer agents, thus, once destroyed; the chances of contracting cancer are greatly reduced.
Thus, to be able to enjoy all these health benefits, it's quite important that people include strawberries in their regular diets.

Thank you For Reading


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