If you want to build up your muscles, get stronger and get healthy,
doing body building regularly is a great way to do that. Lots of people
who want to get healthy and strong do body building. There are lots of
different ways to exercise and work out your body. Body building is one
of the most popular methods of doing this, especially amongst younger
men. You need to remember that the main purpose of body building is not
to build your muscles up to obscene proportions but to get healthy.
While the huge muscles might be a future goal, when you start out you
should focus on safety and health. Here are some methods of pushing past
the body building stereotypes that are out there. Once
a week is the minimum that you should work on your muscles. When you
are starting out, it is a good idea to plan your workouts in advance.
You need to do this to ensure that your muscles are given the proper
amount of attention. As you get better you can switch your workout
routines around. Many experienced body builders plan out different
routines each week. This helps them to get the correct amount of
exercise and allows them to keep the workout routines interesting. For
some people, getting into a rut is what kills their dedication to their
sport. All of your muscles should be worked out in each routine. You
shouldn't focus solely on your arms, your cardiovascular system, your
legs or your shoulders. Work each of these muscle groups equally during
every workout you complete. Making sure that all of your muscle groups
progress at the same rate means working all of them equally. This could
leave you looking lopsided and not feeling very happy about yourself. If
you truly want to be healthy you need to work everything equally. This
is true even if you are doing something besides body building for
exercise. It is not just body building.
You may be impatient to get on with building muscle and getting fit,
but just take a moment to ensure you are successful by checking your
current condition. For instance, you may not have exercised or
challenged your muscles for years or you could have a chronic injury.
You can reduce the likelihood of injuring yourself or becoming so sore
that you give up exercise altogether by doing some preparation first. If
you have not been exercising regularly for around the last 3 months
then consider starting out with some simple back to basics exercises.
What I mean by "back to basics" is to kick off your fitness routine with
simple conditioning resistance training via body weight only exercise. Start
by doing 5 or 6 calisthenic type exercises three times a week for the
first four to six weeks. Target the large muscle groups with combination
movements. Incorporate lunges and squat jumps,push ups,crunches, side
and front hovers - add in pull ups when ready. This will prepare your
body for the challenges of extra weight bearing that comes with a muscle
building program. Allow enough time between your sessions to rest the
body and encourage muscle growth.
If you are just beginning a muscle building and fat loss routine, you
will not believe how easy it is to learn. You will need to be prepared
to workout diligently. If you work out by utilizing some of these basic
rules of muscle building, you will see the amazing results like you have
never dreamed of. These are some muscle building tips that you can use to build muscle fast: You
should not perform more than 10 reps in a session. In doing so, you are
increasing your inert muscle fibers which have the least chance for
muscle growth. To build the muscle you need to select weights knowing
that an 11th rep is going beyond the limit that you will need to build
muscle. If you want to gain muscle fast you will have to get your
head into the heavy lifting mode. Heavy weights and no more than 10 reps
are sufficient. I would recommend with these workouts that you have
another person close by for safety purposes. You need to reduce
your work out time. If you do more work in less time and you will have
increased your work capacity. Work equals the amount number of sets,
reps and weights in your routine. The higher your work capacity, the
more muscular you will get. You should take less time to work out
and shorter rests and then move on to the next exercise quicker. It
should be no surprise to you if you feel out of shape. This plan is the
easiest way that you increase your muscle density and take your fitness
workout plan to a new level. You must also get out of your comfort zone. In
your routine, complete only one exercise per muscle group. As an
example, if your chest exercise is today, then your first exercise
should be the bench press. Your first set should be completed with less
weight than the last. Your goal is to simply ignite your muscles into
growth and not beat them to death. So, once you have outperformed your
last workout, it is time to move onto the next exercise.You
should complete no more than 3-5 sets per muscle grouping. You will want
work the first 1-2 sets at 85 percent effort. The third set at 95
percent maximum effort and the fourth set at 100 percent maximum effort.
Only the last all out set will contribute to the greatest muscle gain.
Any work beyond that simply exhausts the muscle and slows your recovery.
It is with this last set that you should do at least 1-2 extra reps or add 5-10 extra pounds than last workout you completed. By doing this you will have ignited your muscles into a growth mode and will be increasing your strength by 5 percent every two weeks. Also, one of the most common mistakes that you should not make is not to track your progress. Do not just return week after week and perform the same workouts with the no sign of progress. Your body is designed to take on stress. It will get bigger if you work at it. It is a simple concept. In conclusion, you should strive for a minimum of 5 percent strength increase every two weeks. The larger muscles will gain somewhat faster than the smaller muscles like the biceps. Within six months of you starting your plan, you are going to be twice as strong as you are now by building muscles with this concept.
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