is defined as "control of oneself" or the "ability to master one's
desires and impulses. Interestingly, self-control is actually perceived
in a number of ways. Philosophically speaking self-control could be
described as the exertion of one's own will. Psychologically,
self-control usually refers to a person's self-perception, belief
system, as well as the ability to set boundaries on their own behavior.
Among some scientific communities, the issue seems to be whether or not
what we perceive as "normal" (and hence the standard that the person
lacking self-control violates) is truly an accurate setting to work
with. Most people assume that self-control is healthier than
impulsiveness. However, this has to be compared to each person's value
system. For example, some communities may demand stringent behavior as
regards sexual morality. Other communities will hold that generosity and
pacifism are more important than law. Then some communities will stress
that allegiance to a mission is what is truly righteous. Which of the
communities has the highest standard of morality?
Self-Control for Self Improvement
Olympics are just around the corner and the best persons to demonstrate
how to have self-control are the athletes competing in them. Just think
about how much they have to train day in and day out in order to
compete for years in advance. That is unbelievable isn't it? Imagine to
have self control like that! Think of how many times you tried to begin a
new diet or tried to start an exercise program or begin reading again
or going back to school. Where you able to finish what you started? Are
you still going? Do you want to be better and have self-control?
was looking at these questions in order to find out how to have self
control so I can be more satisfied with my daily actions. I wanted to
see if I could break it down in order to understand what it takes to
have better self control.
So here are a list of areas that we need to have understood in order to gain better self-control
1. Acknowledge you have a problem/situation.
all have something that is causing us to not be able to commit. It
could be unhealthy desires, bad habits, bad support system, emotional
baggage etc. It really does not matter what it is. But what is important
is that we need to face ourselves and understand that we have a problem
with self control.
2. Put your past behind you
is important to acknowledge the past but we cannot let it drag us down
and prevent us from moving forward. So we must let go of everything that
happened yesterday and look forward toward what is ahead. It is very
difficult to gain self-control for our futures if we spend to much time
dwelling on the past.
are all human beings and we are creatures of emotions. On any given day
we can be as high as kites with a soaring spirit. Nothing can stop us
and everything is perfect. Yet somedays it takes only one turn of events
and we come crashing down into the depths of despair. Nothing goes
right anymore, things are confusing and scary and there seems to be no
clear solution. This happens a lot but it is important to know that
feelings come and go but you need to swat those feelings down and
understand sometimes feelings can lead us down the wrong path, away from
self-control. If you are feeling hungry for chocolate cake but you are
trying to loose weight... SWAT! If you are feeling tired but you have
not done any exercise yet today... SWAT! If you do not feel like
spending time with you spouse but you have not seen each other all day
and they needs to talk... SWAT!!! Feelings are just feelings and its OK
to experience them but control you.
4. Make yourself accountable
is a great way to keep on track and gain strength through numbers. When
you are accountable for anything you will gain better self control. The
best way to do this is to make what ever your goal is public. So start a
blog about what you are doing, talk with your friends and family and
let them know what you are doing and ask them to check up on you once in
a while. Doing this will help you stay on track when those "feelings"
show up and try to lead you astray.
5. Avoid temptations
Well it is not that easy sometimes but you can set yourself up in
better situations so you are not tempted and loose self control. I
remember when I began doing the p90x workouts and one of the first
things they had you do was to go into your kitchen and get rid of all of
your junk food. They literally wanted you to throw away anything that
was not part of this food program because they knew that when it got
tough it is far too easy to eat the comforting junk food. It is the same
with many things. Are you having problems in your relationship? Well
may be you should purge out the people who are not supporting you or the
ones that are tempting you to be unfaithful. Are you trying to develop
self-control? Maybe it is a good thing not to hangout with people that
are lazy and have not ambition in life. What ever it is you stand a
better chance in gaining self-control if you avoid temptations
just these 5 areas addressed you will be able to develop more self
control and stand a better chance accomplishing anything that you set
your sites on for your present and for your future.
All The Best
Thank You For Reading ............
Thank You For Reading ............
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