Many people feel that coming up with creative ideas and discovering insights is a challenging skill to acquire. This is not true because people are discovering ideas and insights all the time. The only problem is that they do not write them down and they are forgotten forever. Insights are basically mistakes that enable you to identify certain ways of how not to do things. For example, if a manager discovered that a product does not sell well in certain countries due to cultural differences then this is an insight that can be recorded to help and educate other managers and sales people to avoid the same mistake. The ability of sharing ideas is the ultimate way to make the most of the skills of your staff and technology. When a company shares ideas and insights between departments and partners it is helping it to grow in to a more efficient and competitive company that will play a influential role in its success and survival.

We talk a lot about sharing ideas and views with others. If we observe small kids share ideas with each other or with anyone with a lot of excitement. They would never think as to what they say is possible or not, they share it with full belief and excitement. Once while walking on high street in Hounslow (London) I saw a small kid holding a Spiderman toy in his hand. He looked at his dad and said "Dad I am going to be a Spiderman when I grow up.." and his dad said "yeah son you sure will be" and the smile on the kids face was a moment to capture. How often when we grow up we stop sharing or rather start keeping our dreams and goals to ourselves. May be because we are afraid of what others will say or may be because we just don't want to share it. Looking at it in a different perspective... if we dared to share our dreams with others & if even one person responds and believes in our vision the energy to achieve it increases.
One of the things that will interest the technology blog uses is the development of modern gadgets. If you just look at the provision that goes with the mobile phones you will see that there are many people that have plenty to say about it. They discuss these issues in the public forum and if you follow them closely you will realize why they have such a great fan base. They discuss the models as well as the functionality of the different mobile phones. These are not people that are paid to do that job. Instead they are volunteers that share an interest in the industry. They make their voices heard through the different forums that they work with. In the end that is how we can get the best results out of any sort of functionality that goes with the territory. Many of the companies that deal in mobile phones are happy to encourage their teams to participate in the blog because they can gain an insight into the public reaction to their products. This can improve their quality control processes. From an internet marketing perspective the technology blog is one of the most effective ways of selling products. It builds links that cannot be built in any other way. If an organization has a good technology blog going for years then they are likely to see a significant increase in their sales figures. The opposite is true if they make no effort to improve the sales that they have. That is why we are so obsessed with improving the way that we work on these issues that we sometimes forget the different elements that might have made all the difference in marketing terms. Some people have argued that the commercialization of the technology blog is one of the things that are killing industry. I have a somewhat different perspective. Without a commercial input many of the blogs that we see online might not have developed. You need the advertisements to keep the system going and to pay the bills for the people that manage the blogs. The utopia of a simultaneous blog does not work. Even Wikipedia had to adjust slightly following problems with a similar model.
One of the key challenges facing organisations in today's business world is the large amount of staff turnover. The reality is people are moving about more than any other time in history. Therefore, a key challenge for all organisations is the ability to retrieve the knowledge, experience and expertise of their staff before it is lost forever. It is important that staff are encouraged to record their ideas and insights with other team members. By passing the knowledge on the organisation can hold onto it rather than losing it. Staff should also be encouraged to communicate their ideas and insights with other colleagues as this can help to improve the teams overall performance.
All The Best
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